Dr. Wyman Psychoeducational Assessment and Counselling Services

Psychological Assessments

What Psychological Assessment Services Are Offered?

Dr. Wyman provides diagnostic psychological assessments for children and adolescents between the ages of 6 and 19, including assessments for: 

  • Learning Disabilities impacting the development of reading, writing and math skills.
  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Behaviour Problems
  • Intellectual Disabilities
  • Below Average Learner Profiles
  • Giftedness
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Depressive Disorders

All clients will be working with Dr. Wyman directly throughout the assessment process. The assessment process depends on the specific areas of inquiry being explored. Each type of psychological assessment includes the following components:

  1. An intake interview with Dr. Wyman that explores the presenting concerns, school and home experiences, along with the developmental and family history.
  2. Review of relevant health, learning and school documentation, including report cards and other assessments that have been completed (e.g., speech-language, occupational therapy, psychological and medical assessments).
  3. In-person and/or virtual testing utilizing validated measures that explore the presenting concerns and areas of inquiry.
  4. Assessment feedback session whereby Dr. Wyman will discuss the results of the assessment, his recommendations, and answer any questions you might have.
  5. A comprehensive written report that discusses the results from the assessment and Dr. Wyman’s recommendations for supporting you or your child at home, school, work and/or in the community.

What If I’m Unsure About Which Psychological Assessment Services I’m Looking For?

Clients and parents are often unsure about what specific assessments they need. For this reason, Dr. Wyman first schedules a free 15-minute phone consultation to discuss your presenting concerns and questions, and to get more clarity regarding the different assessments being offered. 

Depending on the information provided during the intake interview and the results of assessment testing, Dr. Wyman may recommend additional assessment testing. 

Please reach out to schedule your initial free 15-minute phone consultation.

Psychological Assessments

Assessment for Learning Disabilities

  • A comprehensive assessment for Learning Disabilities that are impacting the development of reading, writing and math skills. For more information about the symptoms, causes and interventions for Learning Disabilities, please visit the Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario (LDAO) website.
  • This assessment includes validated evaluations of intellectual functioning, auditory and visual memory, phonological processing, fine motor skills, and academic skills in the areas of reading, writing and mathematics. This assessment also includes a screening assessment of behaviour, social and emotional functioning.
  • The results from this assessment can inform future learning-specific interventions, such as whether you or child will benefit from evidence-based learning accommodations and supports at school. 
  • Dr. Wyman currently completes these assessments for students enrolled in the English curriculum. In 2026, Dr. Wyman will also be offering these assessments for students enrolled in the French-immersion curriculum.
  • Fee range = $2,800 to $3,600
    • The final fee depends on whether additional inquiries are explored, including assessments for mental health and ADHD-related challenges. 

Assessment for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

  • A comprehensive assessment for symptoms associated with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). For more information about the symptoms, causes and interventions for ADHD, please visit the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health website.
  • This assessment includes validated evaluations of intellectual functioning, memory and executive functioning (e.g., attention, impulse-control and working memory), along with validated rating scales that explore the symptoms associated with ADHD. 
  • The results from this assessment can determine whether you or your child meet the diagnostic criteria for ADHD, as well as inform future interventions and accommodations for improving attention, impulse-control and/or behaviour in the home and school settings. 
  • Fee range = $1,800 to $3,600
    • The final fee depends on whether additional inquiries are explored, including assessments for learning disabilities and/or mental health challenges. 

Assessment for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

  • A comprehensive assessment for symptoms associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). For more information about the symptoms, causes and interventions for ASD, please visit the Autism Canada website.
  • This assessment includes an evaluation of intellectual functioning, as well as validated in-person assessments, observations and rating scales that explore the specific symptoms associated with ASD. 
  • The results from this assessment can determine whether you or your child meet the diagnostic criteria for ASD, and inform home, school, community and parent interventions that address social-communication, friendship-building, behaviour, sensory and daily living challenges. 
  • Fee range = $3,400 to $4,600
    • The final fee depends on whether additional inquiries are explored, including assessments for learning disabilities, mental health, and ADHD-related challenges. 

Mental Health Assessment for Anxiety & Depression

  • A comprehensive assessment for symptoms of anxiety and depressive disorders, including Separation Anxiety Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder and Persistent Depressive Disorder (also referred to as Dysthymia). 
  • For more information about childhood anxiety disorders, please visit the Anxiety Canada website.
  • For more information about childhood depression, please visit the Canada Mental Health Association website.
  • This assessment includes clinical interviews with Dr. Wyman, as well as validated rating scales that explore symptoms associated with anxiety and depressive disorders. 
  • Results from this assessment can inform mental health treatments for anxiety and/or depression, as well as recommendations for lifestyle changes to enhance mental wellness. 
  • Fee range = $1,300 to $3,600
    • The final fee depends on whether additional inquiries are explored, including assessments for learning disabilities and ADHD-related challenges. 

Assessment of Intellectual Functioning 

  • Assessments for Giftedness, Intellectual Disabilities or Below Average Learner Profiles. 
  • For more information about Gifted Learners, please visit the Canadian Psychological Association website.
  • For more information about the symptoms, causes and interventions for Intellectual Disabilities, please visit the American Psychiatric Association website.
  • These assessments include validated measures of intellectual and academic functioning. For concerns with your child’s intellectual functioning, validated measures of adaptive daily-living skills will also be administered.
  • The results of these assessments will inform whether your child will benefit from specific academic programming and/or curriculum changes (e.g., Gifted/Enrichment programming; accommodated or modified academic programming). These results can also advise parents, educators and practitioners about evidence-based home, school and community interventions for children and youth with cognitive challenges. 
  • Fee Range = $1,800 to $3,600
    • The final fee depends on whether additional inquiries are explored, including assessments for learning disabilities, mental health, and ADHD-related challenges. 

What is the Payment Structure for Psychological Assessments?

Payments for the assessment are broken down as follows:

  1. Intake interview session.
  2. Each assessment testing session.
  3. Assessment feedback session.

We accept e-transfer payments, certified cheques or cash. Payments are due after each session with Dr. Wyman. A copy of the payment receipt will be provided once the payment has been submitted and approved. You can submit this receipt for insurance reimbursement if you have coverage.